Friday, 1 April 2011

10 Rules of Safe Driving!

1. Be responsible – when I am at the wheel, I am responsible for the lives of my passengers and my own, as well as those of other road.
2. Always wear my seat-belt and ensure my passengers do the same. This is because in the event of an accident, seat belts are crucial in helping to reduce deaths and injuries.
3. Never drink and drive – to arrange for alternate transport, take a cab or have an assigned driver when I plan a night out.
4. Not speed – to adhere to speed limit on the road, even when traveling on the expressways and when the road ahead is clear.
5. Not play loud music when driving.
6. Not exceed the number of passengers I am allowed to carry in my car.
7. Never beat the traffic lights – slow down when the light turns amber and stop when it turns red.
8. Not use my mobile phone when driving – if absolutely necessary I will always use a hands-free set.
9. Not let others drive my car – even if they have driving licenses.
10. Know my vehicle well and maintain it – understand its capabilities and limits and ensure regular inspections by professionals so as to maintain the vehicle in good condition.


  1. Aha thanks, but I often drive totaly drunk.

  2. i've never even scraped my rim against a curb :) good responsible blog. an old friend of mine was recently thee victim of 2 drag racers running lights.. he pulled out.. so, to see someone raising awareness..

  3. I do try to follow all of these, it's pretty easy if you just think about the consequences if you don't do it.

  4. I follow these 10 rules more than what I follow the 10 Commandments! Great post!

  5. awesome post, i need to quit driving drunk and speeding haha kidding! followed.

  6. It's amazing how basic these are, but so many peoples still don't get them.

  7. crazy how many people still don't buckle up

  8. I hate people talking via mobile phone without headset. They are real threat on junctions.

  9. never drink and drive that's important ! +followed

  10. 11. Dont be a woman

    lolol jk!

  11. No.9 is a bit of an overeaction don't you think?
    especially if the car is a piece of shit, which leads me to No.10 lol

  12. No matter how long you've been driving you always need to take these into account. Thanks for reminding.

  13. Will take the advice. Thanks.

  14. Like the previous posters said: these things are pretty basic. I just wish everyone could follow them. Great post, mate. Very instructive.
